Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Freezing cold

I turned in all my assignments last week and signed with relief. Now, I am waiting for the grades. And actually Dr. T got his out: I received A-, for which I am really, really grateful, since I barely had time to do any research for the papers and mostly got them done night before the second(!)due date. I thought I'll get plenty of time with my mom visiting in September/October, but we just keep on doing things in the evenings and on the weekends, which was great, except the quality of homework which suffered badly:( Now, I am waiting for Sue's grading and so far I have 70 out of 100, with two more assignments graded. My grant proposal was checked as "completed", no grade, was it so bad??:( Well, I have to sit and wait. And it's freezing over here at work, brrrr and all of us are sneezing and coughing...I am looking forward to Friday..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


While I was finishing my grant proposal for LIS 2700 I found an interesting site This site discusses a lot of topics we cover in our classes: digital divide, open source software, content management.